
Savings rates current as of 12/19/2024

Savings Accounts
Account Type APR APY*
Regular Savings .25% .250%
Checking Accounts .10% .100%
Christmas Club Accounts .25% .250%
Balance APR APY*
Up to $49,999 1.00% 1.005%
$50,000 to $99,999 1.35% 1.358%
$100,00 and above 1.60% 1.612%
Money Market Accounts
Minimum Balance APR APY*
Minimum balance of $2,500 .75% .753%
Minimum balance of $10,000 .85% .853%
Minimum balance of $25,000 .95% .954%
CD Rates - $10,000.00 or more deposit
6 month Certificate  1.50%  1.510%
12 month Certificate  1.75%  1.764%
24 month Certificate  1.85%  1.866%
48 month Certificate  1.50%  1.510%
CD SPECIAL - 9 months - $5,000 Min. NEW MONEY  2.00%  2.018%
CD SPECIAL -18 months - $5,000 Min. NEW MONEY 3.70%  3.763%
CD SPL-7 months-$1000 Min. NEW MONEY  4.45%  4.542%
CD Rates - Less than $10,000.00 deposit
6 month Certificate  .80%   .803%
12 month Certificate  .90%   .904%
24 month Certificate  1.00%  1.005%
48 month Certificate  .85%   .853%
CD SPECIAL - 9 months - $5,000 Min. NEW MONEY  2.00%  2.018%
CD SPECIAL -18 months - $5,000 Min. NEW MONEY  3.70%  3.763%
CD SPL-7 months-$1000 Min.  NEW MONEY   4.45%  4.542%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield

McPherson Co-Op Credit Union Certificate of Deposit Disclosure
Penalty for Early Withdrawal: All or any portion of the principal may be withdrawn prior to maturity of any term only with the credit union’s consent given at the time withdrawal is sought. If such consent is given, the withdrawn amount will be subject to a substantial penalty equal to the interest on the amount withdrawn at the simple interest rate of this account, but shall not be more than 90 days worth of interest nor less than five (5) days of interest on the withdrawn amount.

Withdrawal Without Penalty: Early withdrawal without penalty may be made upon the death or declaration of incompetence of any beneficial owner of the certificate. To authorize early withdrawal because of mental incompetence, a certified copy of the court’s order or decree must be presented to the credit union.

Accounts insured to $250,000.00 by NCUA. NON-TRANSFERABLE.